Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Unbiased and Unusual : ( Dynamite Tricks)

Yes, we are all aware of Freemasons and illuminati conspiracies thanks to Dan Brown and his brilliant marketing strategies. What's so brilliant about it? well... let me ask you, what do you think is the best selling book ever? Which piece of literature holds the record? If your answer is ''The Kamasutra'' you are a sick pervert! and the only reason why you visited my blog is the pic of Miss D
outzen Kroes in the background of the title(Jeez!).Well.. anyways the correct answer is ...yes? The Bible! of course. So what will happen if you reveal a whole new, hitherto unexplored, side of the main role in the Bible? Everybody will want to know what its about ya? And with a target market of around 1/6 th of the world, what are the chances of that being a flop?

This article is not about the Holy grail nor is it about the merongivian blood line, This is about america, where patriots like Bill O'Reilly defends other patriots like George bush. As a person who has never been to america in my whole life and as an islander who never gave a shit about their existence except for that extremely emotional Cosgrove 911 call on Youtube, I hereby present my unbiased view on Obama and the New age America! ( Not dissing the open minded and the kind hearted americans here)

I'm not trying t
o sound controversial but ''Obamafication of the USA'' seems like a well marketed attempt to develop the horrible image of america, in the eyes of rest of the world. I mean whether FOX news agrees or not, The brand name ''America'' triggers the same negative feelings as its brainchild Mcdonalds does, in the consciousness of the majority of the world community. Something had to be done about this, Because we are living in an era where the West is descending with the sun and the east is slowly ascending with it, in the morning. This immense competitiveness requires not only an O3 friendly product, but a good brand image as well. (Green economies and Amicable politics).

After some Mind-boggling marketing, and cutting edge PR programs, ''The Directors (illuminatis? Masons? Heck how am i suppose to know?)'' of the USA managed to appoint a new Brand manager,In hopes of rebuilding its image. Mr. Barrack Hussein Obama to the rescue!

Attributes of Obama and the reasons behind them( How they were used) or in other words why Obama is the best person to develop a good image of america...

1) Black guy- to address the people who think that america is a country where racial profiling is practiced even today. Having a black guy as a president eliminates even a possibility of a debate.

2) White mother - To give the white folks (majority=voters=votes) some assurance,

3) ''Hussein''- A stand out selling point to cool down the Muslim world

4) Family man- To address the people who thinks that USA is messed up culturally,(Remember ''Clinton & the pros'' season 1?)

and finally

5) A weak opponent - JM, Who actually guaranteed a win for Obama ( Palin sealed the deal).

The recent Nobel prize will only add up to His impressive CV and clear the doubts of any one who was not satisfied with his presidential campaign and the huge image building process. Obama bashers will have to think twice before launching a verbal attack from now on. Once again another step towards the positive image building process. Its an absolute pleasure to watch these proceedings as they unfold, because the underlying marketing strategies are just Awesome!

And about the peace prize, remember Gandhi never won a nobel but Yasser arafat did.Kinda questions the credibility huh?

Mr.Erratik (Nobel = Inventor of Dynamite, Nobel peace prize = Literally Da BomB!!)

Peace is the prize that you have to pay if you want to play with Nobel's invention.

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