Every one except for Brand managers, media firms and advertising agencies seem to find Advertising to be pretty darn annoying! That's a well known fact and i feel that TV advertising is 99.9% responsible for the invention of the Remote control. Listed below are the main reasons why people hate commercial breaks;
1)It makes us endure psychological pain, i.e. having to watch pigeons migrating south on Discovery till the commercial break is over on our favorite channel.
2)After 30 seconds it tricks us into feeling wiser than the others, i.e. ''Jeez do people actually buy that after watching this? That's dumb Yo!, come to think of it, Masses are asses is an actuality''.
3)It doubles the time that we waste in front of the TV i.e. Duh?
4) It attempts to occupy gaps inside our mind, without us knowing it. If your mental firewall is up to date, you have nothing to worry, otherwise when you feel hungry the next time, you'll be thinking''I'm kinda hungry now... mmm... Hey! what did that nice looking chick on TV had when she was in this same exact situation?''
There are thousands of other reasons out there, but i'm not including each and every point here since i'm not that enthusiastic about blogging (Mr.Erratik ; Keeping it real as always).
What about Radio commercials? They are not bad as TV ads right? WRONG! how come? Well when you are watching TV and that horrible advertisement pops up for the 61st time, and you pick up the remote and switch the channel, is there a chance of your house crashing into your neighbors place killing you and your family and injuring the next door granny? Unless you are living on wheels, NO CHANCE IN HELL RIGHT? But unfortunately theres a good chance of getting killed and raping someone else when you take your eyes off the road to tweak the dial in your car stereo because of repetitive and stupid Ads. And don't get me started on pop up advertisements in the online world. What a waste of clicks on all those close tab buttons.
Even if we hate it, they still seem to continue with their advertising campaigns, Its getting worse everyday, more and more advertisements are being bombarded on the society and we are helpless. Why are they doing it? because it's working! even though we hate to admit it each and every single commercial has an effect on us.More advertisements-> More sales-> More profit= More money to make more and more advertisements thus completing the cycle.
But what if we just cold heartedly ignore them? what'll happen if we just stop buying anything that's on media? Imagine if all the consumers got together and just discontinue purchasing products on TV commercials? Instead we start buying those cheap, not well marketed alternate products, then most probably they'll get greedy and start ATL campaigns ( Above The Line i.e. TV, Radio etc), Again we'll stop buying from them. We'll continue doing this till they get the message and eventually we'll see her... Who?? FREEDOM! Imagine, prime time TV with no ads, No pop ups on web, just non stop music on radio... Heaven right? SWA representing the Free world YO!
I know bullshit idea, but hey! no bloodshed here. Then again : No bloodshed=No room in history!
Let me end todays article by inviting all the genuine A**holes out there to join us.
Mr.Erratik ( The Chief)
ads have very good effect when iam on the road, feeling hungry and then i see a pizzahut ads on the road and then i see a pizzahut besides the road and you know then...:P. but TV ads and pop-ups just bs. just wasting our time. i don't even remember one ad i saw on tv xD.
ReplyDelete@ EARN MONEY : Ads have an effect, That's why they keep on advertising.But from the point of view of a normal human being who's minding his own business, It's really annoying! and it degrades human intelligence in a way, for an example they advertise their product in the most unrealistic out of the earth way KNOWING that the sales will go up automatically! I was thinking about a way to teach them a proper lesson, an unfortunately the implementation of the SWA seems to be unrealistic and out of the earth as the advertisements themselves!
ReplyDeleteSWA is the shizzle tho :P